ระบบถุงบรรจุทรายขนาดใหญ่ Geotube®
Technology Bags Big Sandy Geotube was designed to be innovative for the hydraulics and the sea.
and environmental protection work and therapeutic technology work
GEOBAGS are versatile, high-performance sandbags used to protect coastal and waterways from erosion. Material of the sand bags are suitable for use in soil consisting of textile-made structure or a composite based on the need to use and integrate with seams that are rugged units GEOBAGS typically have a capacity of 0.5. m³ to 8m³. These containers are filled with sand either near or on site prior to placement and are used to construct roof trusses and other hydraulic structures such as filling dams. and basic armor to prevent erosion. Often used for canal and riverside applications, the three-dimensional fabric of the mixed barn container will increase soil adhesion and stimulate plant growth. Texcar's containers are available in beige and green to blend in with their natural surroundings.
Benefits of GEOBAGS: